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  • truck accident attorney

3 Benefits of Hiring a Truck Accident Attorney

When you hear about accidents, you most often hear about the approximately 6 million car accidents that happen each year. Most of those accidents are, while unfortunate, relatively straightforward. Many involve only two drivers, and some only involve one driver.... Read more
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  • causes of car accidents

What Are the Causes of Car Accidents in Florida?

According to highway safety officials, 401,537 car crashes in Florida caused 252,973 injuries and 3,737 fatalities in 2021. These figures suggest that car accidents are still happening despite new advances in auto technology. Whether severe or minor, an accident can... Read more
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  • product liability

3 Reasons for Hiring a Product Liability Lawyer

Here is a nightmarish scenario that happens to people all the time: someone buys a new product for their home, starts using it, and suddenly develops serious health problems. The person then has to pay for medical care out of... Read more