As the winter slowly rolls in across the U.S. and temperatures drop throughout the colder states, more people will begin using space heaters and the more traditional fireplaces to keep their homes warm. Even people in Southern states, accustomed to heat and natural comfort, may toss a log or two on the fireplace once the temperatures dip below 60-degrees. During this time, it’s important that people not only make sure they administer fire safety in their homes, but also be aware of the quality of the products they’re using to keep their homes warm.
Specifically, consumers should now be aware of burn and shock hazards that can potentially be caused by certain Jotul and Scan gas fireplace inserts. These types of heating devices are unique because they’re created to look like the classic home-warmer, but they’re actually just slim fit fireplace covers. Basically, fireplace inserts are built to look like log fires, but instead of wood and brick, they’re made of steel and ceramic, and they’re much easier to turn on and off, with the help of some electrical wiring, gas and an ignition switch.
The problem leading to today’s recall has to do with the electrical wiring, as Jotul North America has recalled approximately 1,250 of its inserts because the wiring can actually touch the metal casing and cause serious shocks and burns. In fact, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission reported today that this recall was caused by one report of an electric shock and burn. Involved in the recall are four models of the Jotul inserts, including the Jotul GI 450 DVII (Model No. 350860), Jotul GI 450 DV TSI (Model No. 350861), Scan 45i (Model No. 350862) and Scan 45i TSI (Model No. 350866) devices. The Serial Nos. of both the Jotul and Scan inserts include 30001-31056 and 1001-1182, respectively.
The fireplace inserts were sold in both the U.S. (accounting for about 1,200 of the recalled units) and Canada (accounting for about50 of the recalled units) between June 2010 and Sept. 2012 for approximately $2,200 at specialty retail stores. Jotul officials are urging consumers to immediately stop using and unplug the inserts prior to determining whether their models are subject to the recall by checking the serial numbers. Owners of inserts subject to the recall should contact the company at (800) 797-5912 for a free repair.